Term 1, Week 3 - 20/9/24

Wow, another lovely learning week!  Another busy, enjoyable week where the children have been engaged in a variety of learning opportunities.

In Literacy, we have continued to explore our Year 5/6 text 'Good Night Mister Tom', and this week we explored the central character (Mr Tom Oakley) in greater detail. The children had the opportunity to describe him using descriptive vocabulary and also to write 'as him' in role in the form of a diary entry.

Both Year 5 and 6 looked at place value throughout the week, which involved ordering numbers up to 1,000,000 and beyond, rounding and the accurate use of a number line also.

In Science, the children investigated invertebrates and in RE we talked about the concept of a person's soul and what it might consist of (such as a person's personalities, hopes and dreams, fears and worries).

In Geography, we have looked at the History of Maidstone and compared the physical and human features to today’s Maidstone.

In PE, we had our second basketball session on the playground and today we went onto the field and played mini games of football.

Have a great weekend everyone!

Mr Bowles, Mrs Morris and Miss Rackley