Term 1, Week 4, 27/09/24

Another week has flown by and we are now half way through our first term!

In Literacy this week we have further developed our understanding of our class text 'Goodnight Mister Tom.'  We have written a diary entry from the point of view of the little boy in the story and also described his mother.

In Numeracy, both Year 5 and Year 6 have been looking at addition and subtraction and the use of written methods as well as rounding mentally.

In Science, Rowan Class did an investigation into the use of classification and had a fun afternoon classifying a variety of sweets using yes / no questions.

Our topic this term is called Time Tunnel and we are focusing on World War Two as it links to our class text. This week we looked at World War Two Propaganda posters and the message behind them, who they were aimed at and why and their effectiveness.

In RE we looked at the idea of reincarnation and Karma and in Art we have looked at art pieces created during the 2nd World War with the view of the children creating their own.

Thank you to all of the adults supporting our class this morning with our first class assembly. It was lovely to see you all.

Have a great weekend everyone

Mr Bowles and Miss Rackley.