Term 1, Week 5 04/10/24

Another week has flown past, with lots of learning having been completed.

In English, we have continued our focus text ‘Goodnight, Mister Tom’. We saw William’s home life and compared this to his life with Mr Tom. We used our prediction skills to predict what will happen now that Mr Tom has rescued him. The children produced great learning this week – well done all!

In Maths, Year 5 has completed their addition and subtraction unit. The children have looked at column addition and subtraction, finding missing numbers, inverse and comparing number sentences. Year 6 has begun to look at multiplication. The begun by looking at prime numbers to 100, moving to square and cubed numbers and finishing with multiplying 4 digits by 2 and 3-digit numbers.

In Science, we have looked at classifying our own plants. We took pictures of plants and trees around our outdoor area, drew pictures and labelled these pictures ready to classify these in the next lesson. In Geography, we have begun to look at maps and using keys to read maps.  In PSHE, we have looked at boundaries and what this means to us. In RE, we looked at good and bad deeds and how this related to heaven. Finally, in PE, we have looked at football and basketball skills ready to begin to play games next lesson.

Well done all, a good learning week. Let’s keep going!

Mr Bowles, Miss Rackley and Mrs Morris