Term 1, Week 6, 11/10/24

Week 6 is done! The children have been hard at work producing the next chapter of the story for their hot writes. The class has produced some amazing writing in English – I cannot wait to see all their learning from this term being used in this piece of writing.  

In Maths, Year 5 has been looking at multiplication. We have looked at common multiples and factors of numbers. We will be continuing multiplication next week – please use TT Rockstars at home as this will help in your learning next week.  

Year 6, in Maths, have been looking at division using the long and short methods. They continued their learning by looking at division with remainders. They finished the week with a division quiz. Again, make sure you use TT Rockstars, as this will help you in your maths learning.  

In our Geography learning, linked to our topic, the children created maps of the local area using keys and symbols to make maps easier to read. In science, we have looked at classification and produced our own classification key. In RE, we researched what Christians believe happen to people after death. In PE, we continue to work on our Football and Basketball skills. In Computing, we have looked at working collaboratively online using Teams.  

It was great to see all of the children in yellow yesterday for Mental Health Awareness week. We spent some time discussing Mental Health and how we can look after our Mental Health.  

REMEMBER: you should be using TT Rockstars, Ed Shed and Fiction Express at home to support your learning!  

Have a lovely weekend,  

Mr Bowles, Mrs Morris and Miss Rackley.