Term 3, Week 1 - 10/1/25

Happy New Year, everyone! I hope you all had a fantastic Christmas break and I want to take a moment to say a heartfelt thank you for all the wonderful gifts you kindly gifted. They were truly appreciated!

This week has been an exciting one as we’ve jumped straight back into our lessons. In Literacy, we delved into letter writing, focus on crafting a formal letter for our cold write. The children did an excellent job writing persuasive letters to Mrs. Dhanecha, showcasing their creativity and persuasive language skills.

In Maths, Year 5 tackled the challenge of multiplying numbers up to three digits by two-digit numbers, while Year 6 explored the intriguing world of ratios.

Our Science lessons saw the class begin investigating the basics of simple circuits, sparking a lot of curiosity. In DT, we have started using Micro:bits, exploring their inputs and outputs.

Additionally, we had some engaging discussions about healthy eating in PSHE, and in PE, we kicked off our Gymnastics topic and will be collaborating with Commando Josh every Friday.

Lastly, in Spanish, we’ve embarked on our 'Mi Casa' topic, which I’m sure the children will enjoy.

Well done to everyone for a brilliant first week back!

Mr Bowles and Miss Rackley