Term 3, Week 2 (17/1/25)

In Literacy this week, we have started to read The Demon Headmaster by Gillian Cross. We have read the first 2 chapters and have been introduced to the 3 main characters: Lloyd, Harvey and Dinah. We wrote character descriptions for each of them and looked at synonyms and antonyms. We finished the week with some role play.

In Maths, Year 5 have been multiplying 4 digit numbers by a 2 digit number and dividing a 4 digit by a 1 digit number. Year 6 have been introduced to algebra. They have been looking at expressions, and how letters are represented within calculations looking for patterns and relationships.

In Science this week we have recapped on conductors and insulators in Electricity. We also looked at symbols used to draw diagrams of circuits. We then looked at some diagrams to identify if they would light a bulb and explain why they would or wouldn't light the bulb.

In DT we continued to explore Micro:bits linked to Computing. The children are preparing to code LED lights.

In RE, we looked at the 5 Pillars of Islam and the difficulties Muslims might face trying to follow these.


Young Voices - Monday 20th January for those who have signed up. The children can come into school by 10.45 on Tuesday morning.

Kooth Webinar -  The year 6 have been invited to a webinar to support their well-being.

Make-up should not be worn by children. They will be asked to wipe it off if they come to school with it on.

It has been another busy week but at least it has been warmer!

Have a lovely weekend.

Mr Bowles, Mrs Morris and Miss Rackley