Term 3, Week 3 (24/01/25)

Well done to all the children who went to the 02 with the choir and Mrs Ord for Young Voices. This is such an amazing experience and Mrs Ord said it was a fantastic group this year.

Year 6 had an experience of a Webinar about Kooth, a website that supports young people with their wellbeing. All year 6 were given the opportunity to create an account and explore the website, so they know what it is about if they ever need some support with anything.

In Literacy this week, we have continued to read The Demon Headmaster. We have been introduced to the headmaster and have agreed, something strange is happening. He's making the children robotic by hypnotising them. We have written diary entries and made comparisons between the book and the series we have started to watch. Next week we will be focusing on formal and informal language and writing letters.

In Maths, Year 5 have been problem solving using multiplication and division with a focus on remainders when dividing. Year 6 have continued learning about Algebra. This week they have been finding the value of a letter in an equation, ie,  x + y = 30. What could the value x and y be? Next week Year 6 are moving onto place value and decimal numbers.

In Science this week, we have explored making circuits where we have had to find out how to make a light brighter, how to make a buzzer louder and how the voltage affects this. Then we drew diagrams, using symbols, to demonstrate what we had investigated. Next week we will link Science with Computing to explore this further.

In PSHE we have been looking at online safety and how to keep ourselves safe and what to do if we do not feel safe.

Have a lovely weekend.

Mr Bowles, Mrs Morris and Miss Rackley