Another great week of learning!
In Maths, Year 5 have focused on multiplying fractions and learning how to find fractions of amounts (our fraction learning will continue next week), while Year 6 have looked into place value, exploring decimal numbers, how they're placed on a number line, how to exchange the tenths, hundredths and thousands and solving calculations using all 4 operations and how to calculate whole numbers and decimal numbers.
In English, we’ve been engrossed in "The Demon Headmaster." The children have explored formal and informal writing and have been learning about the features of a letter in preparation for our hot write next week.
In Computing, we've continued our coding adventures with Micro:bits, controlling LED lights, and we're excited to soon progress to coding more than 10 lights!
Over in Spanish, our focus has been on describing our homes and the items within them.
Science brought some excitement as we conducted a brilliant experiment to light LED bulbs using lemons! The children absolutely loved it.
In RE, our discussions continued to centre around Zakah and the significance of charity in Islam.
In PE, we’ve carried on with the rules of hockey, and with Commando Josh, we’ve been exploring the story of Amelia Earhart, completing team missions inspired by her challenges.
Another good week of learning. See you next week!
Mr Bowles, Mrs Morris and Miss Rackley