Term 6, Week 1

The first week back; we had some lovely weather and produced some great learning.  

In English, we have continued to look at the City of Ember – I'm very pleased to have been able to share some of our learning with you this morning in our assembly. We have been looking at our predicting skills this week; using evidence from the text to support our answers.  

In year 5 maths, we have been looking at decimal numbers. We have investigated adding, subtracting and sequencing decimals. The children have enjoyed looking at decimals through real-world questioning.  

Year 6’s has been looking at problem solving using real-life problems. They have been looking at destinations around the world; comparing prices, weather and converting measurements.  

In Science, Rowan Class have begun to look at forces. We investigated gravity this week and whether mass influences the gravitational pull of objects – we found that mass has little-to-no influence on how fast an object falls to the ground. It was a fun afternoon, why not ask your child what experiments we completed.  

We have begun are new PE topic of Handball, we have enjoyed playing our first game and learning the rules. We look forward to continuing Handball this term. We also continue to work with Commando Joe to support our resilience.  

Thank you for your support during our class assembly this week. If you couldn’t attend, please do get in touch and I would love to show your child’s learning to you.  

Have a lovely weekend,  

Mr Bowles, Miss Rackley, Mrs Harris and Miss Hayes.