Term 6, Week 3

These weeks are flying by; finally, the sun has appeared! It has been lovely to be able to get to the field to complete our PE learning this week.  

This week has been culture week – the children have been organising their own activity to share with our Reception classes. The adults have been so proud of the maturity of Rowan Class and the way that the children took charge of their own learning to produce quizzes, games, prizes and their presentations. The Reception classes loved their time in our class looking at the learning.  

In English, we have got to the exciting part where Doon and Lina are about to leave the city. We will finish reading the book next week. The children have loved exploring the book – we have left it on a cliffhanger for the weekend! The adults have been blown away by some of the writing happening; keep it up Rowan Class!  

Year 5s have finished looking at decimal numbers and began to look at negative numbers. We have thought about where we see these and why they are used using real-world problems. We have discussed decisions around overdrafts and loans, too. We continue looking at negative numbers next week.  

Year 6s have been looking at time, time zones and money. They have looked at representing data in a range of ways all in preparation for planning and budgeting a holiday abroad.  

Part of our culture activities this week, we have looked at their country's national anthems in music. The children enjoyed discovering new music and thinking about the musical instruments used in the anthems.  

This week, we have taken delivery of our 3D printer and continue to learn about 3D printing and creating our own 3D objects using TinkerCad. Soon, we will be using our 3D printer to create our own objects, the children were very excited to see it in action yesterday!  

What a great week we have had – lots of great learning and positive behaviour choices being made. Well done, Rowan, you have done us proud!  

Have a lovely weekend,  

Mr Bowles, Miss Rackley and Ms Harris