Term 6, Week 4

Well, what a hot week! The children showed resilience this week; still producing amazing learning through the heat of this week. Well done all.  

This week we finished the City of Ember – our focus text that we started last term. The children were on the edge of the seats leading up to the end and are now desperate to know what happened next! We ended our time looking at the book with a hot write. The children have produced some great assessed writing pieces. Another well done, Rowan! In reading this week, the children have been looking at predicting. We used a piece of text to predict what would happen next.  

In maths, Year 5 finished looking at negative numbers and we have begun to move on to converting measurements. We began by looking at converting kilograms to grams and kilometres to metres. I have been impressed by the number of children able to complete the challenge questions this week. Keep it up Year 5.  

Year 6 continues to look at maths in real-life scenarios. This week, the children have had to use their prior knowledge to put together their own holiday. Using IT equipment, they were finding out the prices of holidays, finding deals and looking at the transport / hiring of cars. The children have enjoyed this autonomy to their learning – maybe they could find you a deal on your next holiday!  

In DT this week, we continue to look at 3D objects. We are creating 3D objects using Tinkercad – this week the children created a pencil pot to secure their knowledge of lifting, rotating and making holes. This is all leading up to 3D printing in a few weeks.  

In Science, we wrote up our findings of our gravity experiments. The children enjoyed finding out how gravity works and how mass does not affect gravity's pull.  

In PE, we have been practicing sports day activities ready to wow the children’s adults next week.  

We have had a great learning week. Next week is a slightly different week: 

  • Monday 1st July: RSE morning.  
  • Tuesday 2nd July: Sports day – KS2 – 10:30 – 12:30 
  • Thursday 4th July – Polling day – School closed (many Year 6 will be on transition to their new schools) 
  • Friday 5th July – Year 6 transition.  


A busy week coming up. Rest well over the weekend; you all deserve it!  

Mr Bowles, Mrs Harris and Miss Rackley