Term 6, Week 5

This week in Rowan Class has looked very different!  

We began the week with RSE, the adults were very impressed by the mature attitude shown by the children – well done.  

On Tuesday, it was Sports Day. Thank you to all the children’s adults that showed their support on this day. It was a great success and we know that the children enjoyed showing off their skills. A special mention to Oli, Lewis, Louis, Aron, Amelia, Bobby, Fayha, Ruby, Isabella, Evaline, Poppy and Christina who won their respective races. The adults were very impressed by the resilience and sportsmanship shown during the events – well done all! 

In English, we have begun to read ‘The 100-mile-an-hour Dog, Going for Gold’ by Jeremy Strong. We have looked at describing the characters and the theme of the book. The children and adults have enjoyed the witty jokes and sarcastic comments made by the main characters.  

In maths, the Year 5s continue to look at converting measurements of length. We explored converting measurements from mm to cm to m. The Year 6s continued to look at maths in real life situations.  

In DT, we have begun to design our Olympic medals which we cannot wait to print and show you our learning!  

In science, we have investigated air resistance by creating our own parachutes to explore the relationship between the size of the parachute and the air resistance experienced. We timed the fall of a plastic person using different sized parachutes.  

In RE, the children explored art in religion and made their own artwork, based on their learning, using water colours.  

We hope the Year 6s enjoyed their transition days at their new schools. We look forward to hearing all about their time on Monday.  

Have a lovely weekend!  

Mr Bowles, Miss Rackley and Mrs Harris.