
Welcome to Walnut Class

Walnut Class is a Year 3/4 class.  Our teacher is Mrs Jacobs and our teaching assistant is Mrs Bramwell.  Mrs Ord will also be teaching in Year 3/4.

In the event of school closure, learning will continue via Microsoft Teams - log in details are available from the class teacher or via the school office.

This is a link to the class email account:

Walnut email

Year 3 & 4 learning for any children self isolating

Home Learning can be accessed via Microsoft Teams.


Please ensure children are wearing correct P.E. kit on their PE day including their team colour shirt and black shorts.



Please note that Walnut Class would be swimming every Tuesday afternoon.

For the swimming lessons, your child will need:

  • A towel
  • A waterproof coat (weather permitting)
  • A swimsuit
  • A bag (with their swimming suit in it)

Please make sure that all items are labelled/named.

The children will walk down to the leisure centre each Tuesday afternoon. They will change at the leisure centre where they will have a 45 minutes lesson from 2:00pm to 2:45pm. Children can be collected by the leisure centre before 3:00pm. We will leave the leisure centre at 3:00pm and will walk the children who are not collected back to school. You will then have to collect your child from school at 3:15 pm.