What a busy week we had with amazing learning!
The children have been busy getting into their new Literacy text, The Iron Man by Ted Hughes. We have been thinking about how the characters so far have been affected by his arrival and how they will be feeling towards him, for our filming news reports next week.
In Maths, Year 4 have looked at factor pairs, and how to multiply and divide by multiples of 10. Year 3 have been looking at multiplying and dividing 2 digit numbers.
In our History we are learning about the Roman Empire and its impact on Britain. We created posters to show our knowledge about Hadrian's Wall.
In our DT we will be designing an electric buzzer game, so have evaluated some existing children's toys to get ideas about how to persuade our consumers to buy them. We looked at the Victorian buzzer toys and compare them to modern toys.
In our Science we identified and named the basic parts of an electrical circuit. We also created our own simple electrical circuits, which we thoroughly enjoyed.
In our computing we are learning about coding and how to create algorithms. The children have enjoyed using Turtle Academy and can have a go at home using the link.
We hope you have a lovely weekend.
From Mrs Jacobs and Mrs Bramwell.