Walnut Class Term 4 Week 2

What a busy week we have had with amazing learning! It was World Book Day and we dressed up as characters from our favourite story books. 

During Literacy we explored and discussed a very interesting story for the week. The story ‘The Matchbox Diary’ was very entertaining and has taught the children a lot about diary entries. This book is about a man who has collected tiny objects from around the world which remind him of a special time in his life. We made our own matchboxes during the week and most children brought in a small object (less that 7cm/able to fit inside a matchbox). They were very proud of their own matchboxes. 

In Maths, Year 4 have learnt to recognise and show, using diagrams, families of common equivalent fractions. Year 3 have been comparing unit fractions. 

In our Geography we have been learning about the production line and how it works .

In our Art, we've looked at the art works of Diego Rivera.

In our Science we have been classifying Solids, Liquids and Gases .

We conclude the week on World Women's Day and our girls had amazing football workshops.

We hope you have a lovely weekend.

From Mrs Jacobs and Mrs Bramwell.