What an amazing week we have had in Walnut Class!!! We have completed some amazing learning!
During our Literacy session, we've focused on subordinating conjunctions and wrote complex sentences using these subordinating clauses.
Year 3's started addition and subtraction this week. We counted on in 50's and 100's as well as adding 1, 10 and 100 more and less. Year 4's estimated numbers to 10,000, using different representations.
The children had a fabulous time during our Science learning this week. They've investigated human teeth and what their functions are. They have discovered that children have milk teeth which are replaced by permanent teeth. They have then created the two sets of teeth, using plasticine. We displayed it in class, it looks amazing.
In our History lesson this week, we have learnt so many facts about Skara Brae and created our own information leaflets.
For the McMillan Cake Sale today we made 'Rocky Roads' to sell after school. The children loved making them and we hope you enjoyed eating them.
A great big thank you for all your cake contributions for this cause today. It is greatly appreciated.
Have a lovely weekend.
From Mrs Jacobs and Mr Dodd.