Walnut Term 2 Week 1

It has been a busy first week back, and the children have produced some amazing learning. We have started our Literacy learning looking at the story of 'Where the forest meets the sea,' about a young boy who visits a tropical rainforest, he pretends it is a long time ago and that extinct and rare animals live in the forest, and aboriginal children play there. He goes on to wonder how much longer the rainforest will remain. We have practiced writing expanded noun phrases to create setting and character descriptions. 

In Maths Year 3 started multiplication and division, using grouping and array techniques. Year 4 worked on finding the area of different shapes.

During the afternoons we have started learning about 'Land, Sea and Sky' which is our topic this term. We located major bodies of water in the UK and Europe using an atlas.

In Science we looked at recognising living things and how they can be sorted in a variety of ways.

In Art we looked at the sculptures of Michelle Reader and the materials she used to make her art work.  

Please remember that Tuesday is our Swimming day and Wednesday is our PE day.

Have a lovely weekend, 

Form Mrs Jacobs