Walnut Term 2 Week 2

We started off our literacy learning this week with a cold write, writing a journey story. We then looked at the skills we need for story writing and used these to write character descriptions. We looked at determiners which the children picked up so well. Children also created their own amazing story openings for the text we are reading this term.

In Maths Year 3 have continued to look at methods for multiplication and have begun to learn their 3 x tables. Year 4 did some retrieval of the 3 times table and then looked at how this helps us to learn the 6 and 9 x tables. 

In Science this week we looked at the characteristics which means animals can be classified into mammals, amphibians, reptiles, bird and insects. In Geography we used a map of the UK to locate the main regions and the major cities. In computing we continued our learning on photo editing by looking at how to change the colour of different images. 

We hope you have a lovely weekend.

From Mrs Jacobs.