Special Educational Needs & Disabilities

At Park Way, every child is 'special' and deserves the very best.  Regardless of their needs or abilities, our staff plan exciting lessons that motivate, inspire and challenge ALL children ALL of the time.
We are extremely lucky at Park Way and we have built a large staff team, each with different skills and areas of expertise; because of this, we are in a very fortunate position to offer many 'interventions' across the school to challenge and extend the children's learning further and enable them to achieve the very best they can.
So that we can meet all children's learning needs appropriately, we hold Pupil Progress Meetings every term where the Headteacher, Deputy Headteacher, SENCO, class teachers and teaching assistants meet to discuss the progress of every child in the school.  From these meetings, we plan for children to receive specific interventions that will support them with their learning and help them to make accelerated progress. 
At Park Way, we run the following interventions:
Volunteer Reader Scheme
Speech and Language support
Booster reading groups
Booster writing groups
Booster maths groups
1:1 RWI (Read, Write, Inc.) support
EAL (English as an Additional Language) support
1:1 in/out of class support
Small group in/out of class support
BEAM (Balance, Education And Movement)
Clever Fingers
Sensory Circuits
Memory Magic
Drawing & Talking
Social Skills
Lunchtime Club
Nuffield Early Language Intervention (Year R)
Speech Bubbles
Where additional, specialist support is required to meet a child's needs, we can access the following agencies through a referral system:

Educational Psychology
Specialist Teaching and Learning Service via the LIFT process
Community Paediatricians
Speech and Language Therapists
Child and Young Person's Mental Health Service (CYPMHs)
Occupational Therapy and Physiotherapy

Click here to be redirected to our policies page to read our SEND policy.

The SENCo at Park Way is Denise Hill.  She can be contacted via the school office on 01622 753651 or at SEN@park-way.kent.sch.uk 
The school also employs an SEN Administrator, Lauren Hayes, who can be contacted via the school office or by email.
If you do not feel your child's needs are being met, please contact Denise Hill, our SENCo, or Lauren Hayes, SEN Admin, in the first instance.