Sports Premium

Sports Premium is a government funded payment aimed at improving and increasing the provision of PE in schools across the country.  The amount of money paid is based on the number of pupils in the school.
Mr Ramsden co-ordinates P.E and sports at Park Way.

This year, our Sports Premium is £18,710.00  Click here to view the Sports Premium Action Plan for 2023-24.

We are extremely proud of our sporting achievements and are especially proud of all the children who participate in sporting opportunities.  Outside of the PE curriculum, over the previous academic year, our children have participated in:
  • Football Matches, Tournaments and Festivals
  • Hockey Matches, Tournaments and Festivals
  • Netball Matches
  • Bikeability
  • Multi Skills Festival
  • Gravity Trampolining Sessions

In the 2021-22 & 2022-23 academic years, we achieved a Silver Award in the School Games Mark.

We are determined to build upon these successes in the upcoming academic year and will do this by:
  • continuing to develop the P.E curriculum to ensure that all children, across the school, are introduced to a wide range of sporting activities.
  • using coaches to up skill teaching staff to deliver outstanding PE provision.
  • entering competitions, allowing the children to compete against others and develop their love of sports and P.E.
  • sharing sporting successes within school e.g. in assembly, on newsletters, on the website etc.
  • building upon the range of sporting clubs offered within school.
  • promoting sports across the school and using children as ambassadors to encourage more children to participate.
  • supporting children to develop their skills outside of school by sharing expertise as appropriate.