All parents who accept a place for their child at Park Way are required to sign a home school agreement. This sets out what the school, parents and child agree to do whilst the child is on roll.
Please read this carefully as if there is anything that you are unable to commit to, this may not be the school for you.
The school will:
- Keep to the school rules
- Have high expectations and encourage a pride in achievement
- Work in partnership with children, carers and parents to promote learning
- Keep parents informed about progress and welfare of their children
- Listen to parents’ suggestions, ideas, or concerns
- Make every effort to ensure that the school is a safe, orderly and happy environment
- Recognise, praise and celebrate achievement
Signature_____________________________________ on behalf of the school
Parents and carers will:
- Keep to the school rules
- Talk about learning with my child and support home learning tasks
- See that my child attends school regularly and punctually and inform the school promptly of the reason for any absences
- Let the school know of any concerns or issues, promptly
- Make sure my child wears the appropriate uniform and has the appropriate equipment (eg. PE kit)
- Attend parents' evenings, progress discussions and work with staff for the good of the children
Signature_____________________________________ parent/carer
Children will:
- Keep to the school rules
- Be proud of my learning and always do my best
- Come to school in the correct uniform on time, every day
- Look after our school and my own belongings
- Complete my home learning
Signature_____________________________________ child