School Uniform

Children are required to wear school uniform as it helps them to take a pride in their school.

Grey skirt or grey pinafore dress or grey trousers or grey shorts
White blouse, white shirt or white polo shirt - with or without the school logo
Royal Blue cardigan or royal blue jumper or royal blue sweatshirt - with or without the school logo
Plain white or dark coloured socks or grey tights
Plain black sensible shoes - no high heels or trainers
Blue summer dresses
A plain royal blue, grey or black headscarf may be worn
Uniform with the Park Way school logo is available to buy from Pages School Wear in Maidstone either in store or via their website:
Non-branded uniform, without the Park Way logo, is perfectly acceptable and is widely available from a variety of stores, online and through most supermarkets.
Good quality, second hand uniform is available from the pastoral team - Mrs Karen Abrahams.
P.E Kit
Children are required to wear the following P.E kit:
  • Plain black shorts
  • Plain black tracksuit bottoms
  • T Shirt in team colour - red, green, blue or yellow.  Please ask if you are unsure which team your child is in.
  • School sweatshirt or unbranded grey or black hoodie
  • Plimsoles in Early Years and Infant Classes, Plimsoles or trainers in Junior Classes

Click here to be redirected to our policies page to read our uniform policy.