Term 5 week 6

This week we have been looking at Farmer Duck.  We looked at how the duck felt as the farmer was very mean to him.  We also looked at farm animals and we used adjectives to describe them.

In maths, we have started to look at sharing and grouping.  We talked about fair and unfair when we share an object between two people.

In P.E., we continued practicing our tennis skills.  We are getting very good at balancing and bouncing the tennis ball on the rackets.

On Thursday we had our annual school trip, we visited Round Oak Farm and we all had a fabulous time. There were lots of animals including sheep, cows, pigs, various types of ducks, birds and even a hawk.  We sat on a trailer pulled by a tractor and visited some very old bulls; they were very big!  We even had a chance to sit on a big tractor and we pretended to drive it. 

We are all very proud of Apple and Pear Class as their behaviour was amazing!!!

A big thank you to all of the support staff and parents for making our trip so successful, we couldn’t have done it without you!

Have a great half term!!