Cherry Class Blog Week 6

Welcome everyone to our latest blog and it goes without saying that another busy, productive week has shot through!

We are very close to finishing our class text 'Kensuke's Kingdom' and have enjoyed researching about the Japanese city of Nagasaki and creating a PowerPoint linked to its history in World War Two, I was pleased by the technical level of so many of the class, who produced such amazing, interactive presentations!

In Numeracy, Year 5 concentrated on addition and subtraction again, this time in the form of words problems and using the inverse to identify the missing number in a calculation. Year 6 spent time investigating factors, multiples and primes

In Science we have been looking at various animals and their habitats, including their life cycles and this week it was the time of unusual creatures in terms of their life cycle (such as the platypus) Some fantastic drawings were created along side a written explanation.

RE was in discussion about how the world was created and the class had a great debate looking at evolution vs creation by God argument. 

I cannot believe it was a week ago that the class performed their class assembly to parents. A big thank you to all that were able to turn up and support your child. 

Have a great weekend

Mr Ramsden & Ms Stokes