Term 6, Week 6

This week we have an such an amazing learning week! On Monday we went on our summer of fun trip to Hollywood Bowl. Both classes were amazing walking there and back and did great listening. They had a wonderful time!

In Literacy this week, we have looked at 'What the Ladybird Heard at the Seaside.' The children have explored using different materials such as cotton wool, tissue paper and potatoes to create their own seaside pictures.

In Maths we have consolidated our sharing skills. The children used different manipulatives to support their sharing and could discuss if the number they were sharing was even or odd. They used vocabulary like fair, unfair and equal.

Thank you to all of you for attending our last assembly - we are really proud of all of the children! The children did amazingly and we hope you enjoyed watching them graduate from their first year at Park Way.

Thank you for all your continued support.

Have a lovely weekend,

The EYFS Team.