Term 5 Week 5 17.5.24

The SATs are done! Well done to our Year 6 this week. We are all so proud of your hard work and resilience over this week. It has not been easy, but together we are on the other side! Well done to our Year 5 for the changes to the timetable and accommodating the Year 6 SATs. You are very resilient. 

This week we have continued our learning about light in science. The children loved experimenting with light and shadows. They have learnt how to manipulate shapes to make animals, people and buildings. Some of the shadow pictures are amazing! The children have been videoing their shadow puppets too.

In RE, we have been looking at places of worship. The children have begun a project about this showing their learning in a way that they would like. We cannot wait to finish this off next week.

In computing, we have continued looking at Micro:bits. The children coded the Micro:bits to test the connectivity of various subjects. It has been lovely to see the children being impressed by what they can do with Micro:bits.

As a treat, we enjoyed a beautiful morning at Mote Park to end a week of assessments. We had great fun in the sunshine. We got to play in the play park, we had a team building exercise with Commando Josh, and football, cricket and parachute games too.

Next week we go back to looking at the City of Ember in English – we cannot wait to find out what happens!

Our class assembly is Friday 24th May. Our last one for the year. Hope to see you there.

Have a lovely weekend,

Mrs Rackley and Mrs Morris