Term 6 Week 1 7.6.24

I hope you all had a rested half term.
In English, we have continued to look at the City of Ember – We have been looking at our predicting skills this week; using evidence from the text to support our answers. We have also been describing settings and having lots of discussion around how the story is going to end.
In year 5 maths, we have been looking at decimal numbers. We have investigated adding, subtracting and sequencing decimals. The children have enjoyed looking at decimals through real-world questioning.  
Year 6’s has been looking at problem solving using real-life problems involving all 4 calculations. They have been looking at destinations around the world; comparing prices, weather and converting measurements: miles to km and vice versa.
In Science, we have begun to look at forces. We investigated gravity this week and whether mass influences the gravitational pull of objects – we found that mass has little-to-no influence on how fast an object falls to the ground. It was a fun afternoon, why not ask your child what experiments we completed.  
PE this term is athletics with the PASS coach and we also continue to work with Commando Joe to support our resilience. PE is still on Thursday and Friday.
  • School residential is on Monday - Wednesday next week. The children are very excited. The children who are not going will be in either Rowan or Cherry Class with Mr Bowles or Mrs Ord. Both classes have a Forest School session on either Monday or Tuesday: please see the text with the information. PLEASE MAKE SURE CHILDREN WEAR TROUSERS AND NOT SHORTS.
  • Jewelry - children should not wear Smart watches or hooped earrings to school. Stud earrings only and no earrings on PE days.
  • Mobile phones should only be brought in by children who walk home alone. Not if a parent or adult collects them.
  • Chewing gum - chewing gum is not allowed at school.
  • Energy drinks - a lot of our children are having energy drinks before school. These are not suitable for children of this age.
  • Water Bottles - now the weather is warming up please bring in a water bottle everyday.
Have a lovely weekend.
Mrs Rackley and Mrs Morris