Term 6 Week 2 14.6.24

Wow, what a fun week has been had by all! Some children enjoyed an amazing few days away at Bewl Water for the residential trip, they were all amazing!  Whilst there, they did: paddle boarding; raft building; canoeing; bush crafts; axe throwing and archery. Everyone joined in and did Park Way proud. The adults loved hearing all the stories and memories from their time away.  

In school, the children have produced some amazing board games and children’s books that I hope they have shared with you. The children enjoyed a Forest School session too, making memories in the outdoor area.  

Back to more formal learning for the last few days of this week. We continued to look at the City of Ember in Literacy where the children have used their recall skills to remember key aspects of the book. Then we predicted what will happen now that Lina and Doon have begun to work-out what the ‘Instructions for Egress’ say.  

In Maths, Year 5 continued to look at decimal numbers by multiplying and dividing by 10, 100 and 1,000. Year 6 finished the week by looking at budgeting for a holiday and trying to find some good deals. Maybe, get your child involved in your holiday planning this year; they have a real eye for a bargain!  

In PE, Cedar Class played 'Capture the Flag' as part of athletics with Miss Piper, the PASS coach. We also incorporate PE with Commando Josh on team building activities. 


We are pleased to announce that Years 5 and 6 will be visiting Kent Life on Wednesday 17th July to support our DT and Science learning from this year. Letters will be sent out shortly.  

PLEASE remember that PE kit is; black trousers/shorts, a t-shirt in the colour of their team and a black or navy jumper (or school jumper/ fleece). Thank you. 

Year 6 end of year social evening is on Monday 22nd July: time to be confirmed.

Year 6 leaver's assembly is on Tuesday 23rd July in the afternoon: time to be confirmed.

Next week is our diversity week. We will be researching and learning about different countries and cultures.

Have a lovely weekend.  

Mrs Rackley and Mrs Morris