Term 6 Week 5 5.7.24

This week our Year 5 and 6 had their RSE lessons.

We also had sports day, which was great fun and lovely to see so many parents and carers come to support. Well done to everyone in their events.

On Wednesday, we had our summer of fun trip to the Chatham Ski Centre. It was great fun. We did tobogganing and snow tubing. 

In Literacy this week, we started reading our new text called The Hundred - Mile - An - Hour - Dog Goes For Gold by Jeremy Strong. It's about a boy named Trevor and his dog Streaker. This week we've been getting to know the characters and thinking about rhyming words and couplets ready to write poems based on the story over the next few weeks.

In Computing, we continued to explore Tinkercad. We designed a pencil pot with a focus on measurements. We are going to be designing a logo for the Olympics and use the 3D printer to print it into a badge/medal.

This week our Year 6 had their transition day/days at their secondary school. They were really excited and buzzing about it.


Year 6 Leavers' Evening - Monday 22nd July 2024 6pm -8pm.

Year 6 Leavers' Assembly - Tuesday 23rd July 2024 at 2.30pm.

PE kits (black shorts/leggings and team coloured T shirt) to be worn for PE NOT coloured tracksuits and clothing.

Have a great weekend.

Mrs Rackley and Mrs Morris