Cherry Class Blog Term 5 Week 4

Good afternoon from a very hot, sunny and warm afternoon at Park Way School at the conclusion of week 4 of this term.

In Literacy, the class have continued investigating the text 'The City of Ember' and they planned and wrote an excellent setting description this week of an imaginary futuristic city.

In Numeracy Year 5 and 6 looked at position, in particular translation, coordinates and reflection using lines of symmetry.

In ICT, using micro-bits, Cherry Class used coding to produce two different codes with both a positive and negative outcome. 

RE this week looked at whether a place of worship was needed or was it in fact the importance of people in the place rather than the actual place itself. 

We were blessed with amazing weather at the end of the week and our cricket session was enjoyed in the sunshine on Friday afternoon. I was impressed with some of the batting and catching from the children during our final game.

Have a lovely weekend everyone, enjoy the sunshine

Mr Ramsden & Ms Stokes