Cherry Class Blog Term 5 Week 5

Good afternoon parents and welcome to our penultimate Cherry Class blog of this Term 5!

Normally at this point, I'd be writing about all the interesting literacy and numeracy learning the children achieved throughout the mornings, but this week has been a lot different, as the Year 6 children have been doing their end-of-year SATs exams (whilst Year 5 worked in the hall) The children showed good resilience whilst working through their tests and I look forward to finding how well they have done later in the summer!

Today, we spent the morning at Mote Park as an end-of-exams treat. We were blessed with fantastic weather and the children were engaged in a number of activities, including team-building events (using the resources available to build the tallest tower)

Talking of building towers, this week in class the children got into small groups of up to 4 and were challenged to build the largest freestanding tower they could using only newspaper and sellotape (but no scissors!) We have some budding engineers in the class, as some of their designs were excellent and so sturdy at their base.

In Science the children created shadow puppets out of black card to support our learning linked to the eyes and light and in RE the children began to create an information text linked to places of worship.

Have a great weekend everyone!

Mr Ramsden & Miss Stokes