Cherry Class Blog Term 5 Week 6

Good afternoon everyone and welcome to our final classroom blog of the term.

As ever, this term has whistled along and I cannot believe that after the half-term holidays we only have one more term (7 and a bit weeks) to go!

In Literacy this week the children had a chance to write in role (diary entry) as we dived further into our class text 'The City of Ember'. We also made predictions and spent time in Guided Reading retrieving relevant information linked to a non-fiction text. 

In Numeracy Year 5 looked at decimals, including addition and subtraction of decimals with up to 3 decimal places, whilst Year 6 completed a project looking at prices, ratio linked to recipes and packaging linked to nets. 

In Science, we continued with our shadow puppet learning and wrote up our findings, including using a chart to accurately measure the lengths of shadows from a shape being a set distance away from a light sources (torch). 

In our Spanish lesson, the class spoke (a lot!) as we used spoken Spanish to describe at what time of the day we might be doing a particular subject and wrote it up also in Spanish!

The sun was out today (Friday) so we went outside onto the field in the afternoon and had a cricket match against Cedar Class.

Well done everyone for all their efforts in term 5, have a lovely break and see you in 10 days time!


Mr Ramsden & Miss Stokes