Cherry Class Blog Term 6 Week 5

Good afternoon parents and welcome to our latest Cherry Class blog.

It's been good to be back, and although the week has been shorter than normal we have been busy with some different activities and lessons this week. Earlier in the week we had our annual Sports Day on the field. where the children from Cherry Class competing against each other in their various teams. We were very lucky with the weather and it was a big success, with events such as javelin throwing, hockey ball dribbling and an obstacle relay race.

In History this week we have been investigating the Olympics and the scandals and controversies surrounding the Games throughout the centuries. We also looked at the reasons why countries such as the United States and the Soviet Union boycotted two Olympic Games over 40 years ago. 

On Wednesday, Cherry Class had their Summer 'Fun Day' out where we took a coach with Cedar Class to Gillingham and went tobogganing! It was a lot of fun and the classes mixed so well together.

We only had half a class today, as the Year 6's were visiting their new schools. I hope all the Year 6 children had a great time at their new schools and they now seem less daunting.

Have a great weekend everyone

Mr Ramsden & Ms Stokes