Cherry Class Blog Term 6 Week 6

Good afternoon parents, nearly there!

This week was slightly different in that we completed a full week at school but with the addition of a visit for two of these days midweek from two of His Majesty's School Inspectors. The children in the class behaved fantastically and were working so well when we received the inspectors' visit. Well done everyone for your efforts this week.

In Literacy we continued our story 'The Hundred Mile An Hour Dog Goes for Gold' and researched different dog breeds and wrote shape poems linked to a particular breed! 

In Numeracy, Year 6 carried on with an investigation that looked at such things as budgets and ratio whereas Year 5 looked at converting measurements, including metric to imperial and vice versa and looked at time tables and the use of time lines to work out intervals of time.

In Science we investigated air resistance and made parachutes and in RE we looked at Islam and the act of giving to charity.

Yesterday afternoon we did PE with the other two Year 5/6 classes and did a range of activities including handball, football, steal a flag, and javelin knots and crosses!

Have a great weekend everyone, see you Monday for the final full week!

Mr Ramsden and Miss Stokes