Term 5 Week 6

We can't believe the penultimate term has flown by so quickly. The children have loved the topic of Inventions that Changed the World, learning all about how inventions have shaped our lives today, and how they could change our lives in the future. 

In Literacy this week, we completed our hot write, writing a story opening based on Danny the Champion of the World and including as many writing features from this term as possible. 

In Maths, Year 4 have started learning about time, how to read digital and analogue clocks accurately and convert between the two. Year 3 have also been looking at time and how to tell time to the nearest 5 minutes. 

In our History we combined all of our learning from the term and decided how we could use this to create our own invention to solve a problem in our modern day lives. The children then created posters to persuade us to invest in their ideas. Finally to finish off our term, we took a trip to Mote Park today to fly our kites. Although the wind wasn't as strong as we'd hoped for, the children had a great time. 

Next term our PE day will continue to be on a Monday, and our swimming day will still be Thursday. 

We hope you have a lovely half term holiday. 

Many thanks, 

Mr Saunders and Mrs Hendry.