Term 6 Week 4

This week in Literacy we have been exploring how to edit and improve learning by changing the vocabulary, grammar and punctuation within it. We looked at how simple changes can make our writing more accurate and effective in preparation for our 'Hot Writes' next week. 

In Maths Year 4 have been looking at data handling and how to read, create and interpret bar and line graphs. Year 3 have been looking at positional language and how to identify turns and angles. 

In History this week we looked at the importance of the Ancient Greek Gods and how they were used to explain things the Greeks did not understand like the changes from night to day. We then looked at the similarities between these and Gods from other ancient mythologies. In DT we looked at the safe preparation of food and different ways of preparing food such as blending, chopping, peeling, mixing, kneading and frying. We used all these skills to prepare a Greek salad, houmous and flatbreads, then evaluated our cooking. We decided that we enjoyed the bread, but were not keen on olives!  

Please remember next Tuesday is our Sports Day, and on Thursday the school is closed for polling day. All parents have also been sent a letter about our Summer of fun day at Gravity. Please ensure you have completed the online waiver to allow your child to participate. 

We hope you have a lovely weekend,

Mr Saunders and Mrs Hendry.