Term 6 Week 6

It's hard to believe we are almost at the end of the year. This week in our Literacy we have been looking at narrative poetry and looking at how poems can tell a story. We had a go at turning mundane activities like making mash potato or making a cup of tea into poems in preparation for writing our own narrative poems next week. 

In Maths Year 4 finished off their unit on geometry by looking at translating coordinates and 2D shapes. Year 3 have been looking at identifying the properties of 2D and 3D shapes.

In our Science we looked at how our muscles work and the children had a go at making their own elbow join using card and elastic bands to see how muscles work in pairs. In History we looked at the comparisons between the Modern and Ancient Olympic games, and also the differences in Spartan and Athenian civilisation. 

Please remember next week Year 3 and 4 have an Olympics morning on Tuesday and should come in PE kit, they are also off to Mote Park on Wednesday and should come in normal school uniform although they can wear comfortable shoes. Finally please join us for the Festival of Fun on Friday, it will be an amazing afternoon with lots of fun activities and performances. 

Have a lovely weekend, 

Mr Saunders and Mrs Hendry.