Term 6 Week 7

It is the final full week of the year, and therefore our last class blog. This week Elm class have been busy writing their own narrative poems. We have picked themes we are interested in and worked on writing and editing poems based on the themes the children have picked. The children have been so engaged some of them have submitted poems they would like entered into this year's Young Writers competition, we hope we might have some budding poets published as a result!

In Maths we have been revising some of the topics from across the year. Year 4 have focused on time and Year 3 have focused on interpreting and creating pictograms. 

In our History we have focused on retrieval of all of our learning from across the year and the children have created History quizzes based on their learning. In our Geography we spent a morning in Mote Park looking at the human and physical geography that could make it suitable to host large events like the Olympics. We also found a historic tethered car racing ring within the park which was once used to hold championship racing events. 

It has been a pleasure teaching all of the children in Elm class this year, they have earned a long and restful summer holidays. 

We hope you have an amazing summer of fun, relaxation and sunshine!

Mr Saunders and Mrs Hendry.