Summer Term 2 - Week 4

Week 4


Holly Class began reading a new text this week, 'The Frog Olympics' by Brian Moses. They learnt to recite the poem with intonation and expression and some of us began to learn the poem off by heart. Later in the week we wrote our own short poems about frogs using question marks and exclamation marks. Some of us used rhyme.

In Maths we have been learning to use language to describe position, direction and movement.  Both Year 1s and Year 2s can now use the words RIGHT, LEFT, FORWARDS and BACKWARDS correctly to describe movement and position.

In Science this week we learnt why exercise is important for humans. We had a go at trying out different exercises, e.g. burpees, jogging on the spot and planking.  We thought about why that exercise was important for our bodies. It was lovely to see many children taking this learning outside of the classroom and doing the exercises during playtime.  We learnt that exercise pumps fresh, oxygenated blood around our bodies which strengthens our muscles, wakes us up and takes oxygen to our brains.

In Geography this week, Holly Class learnt to identify landmarks from each continent using aerial photographs. We can now identify the Statue of Liberty, Taj Mahal, Pyramids of Giza, Mount Vinson Massif, Eiffel Tower, Christ the Redeemer and Sydney Opera House.

In R.E this week we compared a Christian baptism to a Muslim aqiqah. We learnt that both ceremonies welcome the baby to the religion of its parents.  Muslims shave the baby's hair and donate silver equivalent to the weight of the baby's hair and Christians baptise babies by pouring water over their head three times.