Week ending 24th May 2024

Wow!  I cannot believe that my first term as Maple Class teacher has come to an end.  The time has really flown by.

In Maths, Year 4 have started our journey looking at time (12 and 24 hour) whilst Year 3 have been learning about Roman numerals.  In literacy, the children have been extremely busy with a ‘Hot Write’ based on Danny Champion of the World focusing on fronted adverbials, using pronouns to avoid repetition and using inverted commas correctly when writing direct speech.

This morning we were lucky that the weather was dry for our trip to Mote Park.  We took out kites to fly, some more successfully than others.  When we returned to school, we discussed which design worked best, what wasn’t successful and what we could improve upon next time.

Enjoy the break and I’ll see you all ready for Term 6.

Miss Churchill & Mrs Mallon