Term 5 week 3

Hello :) 

Oak Class have had an amazing week with their learning and also learning all about democracy! 


In our English lessons we have been looking at using a range of different strategies to help us add more description when writing stories. Oak Class have used their focus text as inspiration and have explored the use of similes within their writing. We have also continued to focus on our punctuation within our sentences to ensure that all our learning makes sense. 


In maths this week we have begun to look at fractions. Oak Class are able to identify equal and unequal parts and can also recognise a 1/2. 


We have looked at democracy with the Polling Day and Oak Class had the opportunity to put this into practice on Friday when they voted for a fun activity they can take part in during term 6. We have also continued to look at plants in Science, exploring the functions of the basic parts of plants. 

Oak Class have looked at how to save money and had a very grown up discussion around when they would spend any money they had compared to when they would save it. They have also designed their own watering devices, retrieving their knowledge on materials from science in order to create their own watering devices in D.T.