Term 5 week 4

Hello :) 

Oak Class have been outstanding this week and have produced some amazing learning! 


In English we have been very busy this week writing our own traditional tales. We have used all our collective learning over the last couple of weeks and have written a story based on our focus text 'The Last Wolf'. Oak Class have adapted this tale to make it their own and have produced some outstanding writing. 

We have continued to focusing on our spelling patterns and applying spelling strategies to our writing and this is being reflected across all subjects. 


In maths we have continued to look at fractions. Oak Class are able to find half of a shape, quantity and different objects and can use the bar model to help them to find half when needed. They can apply their knowledge to problem solving and have also been recalling their multiplication and division facts to 10. 


In the afternoons we have been very busy. We have continued to look at the basic functions of plants and have begun to identify common wild and garden flowers located in England. Oak Class have started their art structures using their designs as a guidance. They are excited to create their structures using metal, newspaper and Modroc in order to create their own sculptures using their focus artist as inspiration. 


Oak Class will be going to Kent Life on 20th May 2024. Please ensure that you have signed the online permission slips. 

Miss Beamish, Mrs Healey and Mrs Abdi