Term 6 week 6

Hello :) 

We have had a wonderful week in Oak Class this week! 


In English we have been planning our own poems based on our focus text 'The Frog Olympics'. The children have picked their own animals and will be writing their poems based on the different sports they might do in the Olympic Games! 


In maths this week we have finished looking at directional language and have begun to complete some retrieval on place value. Oak Class have excellent memories and have been able to confidently partition 2 digit numbers, applying their knowledge to problem solving. 


We have been just as busy in the afternoons. In DT we have been evaluating a meal to ensure that it is healthy - linking to our previous learning on making simple dishes. 

In Geography we have been looking at differences between Maidstone and Paris, using our knowledge of human and physical geography to help us. 

And of course, we have completed our amazing learning on what democracy is! We conducted a democratic vote last term to see what our end of year activity would be. Oak Class loved their time rock climbing and as you can see by the pictures, they are not afraid of heights! 


Next Friday (19th July 2024) is our Festival of Fun after school so remember to come prepared for fun and excitement!