Term 5 Week 4

Rowan Class has loved the sunny weather this week; please ensure that your child brings a water bottle (named) to school every day. Fresh drinking water is always available in the classroom.  

In Literacy we have continued to look at our focus text, the City of Ember. The children have enjoyed writing setting descriptions. Please do have a look at some examples posted below! Once again, I am blown away by Rowan’s English learning; long may it continue!  

In Maths this week, Year 5 have been looking at lines of symmetry and reflecting images on a mirror line. The children have had to think about how the mirror ‘flips’ the image. In the end, the children were able to produce mirror images without using a mirror!  

Year 6 has been looking at what makes a 3D shape; looking at their nets. They have also looked at coordinates and translations.  

In Science, we looked at shadows (great week for it!). The children created shadow puppets to explore how light cannot travel through a solid object.  

In PE, we have continued our amazing learning with Commando Josh looking at overcoming obstacles (like the weather!) to build the children’s resilience. In cricket, the children looked at bowling and what it takes to be a good bowler in a game of cricket.  

PE will be on 2 days a week: Thursday (afternoon) and Friday (morning). Please ensure your child wears the PE kit as per the school policy. 

More children are coming in to school wearing jewellery: we ask that only a watch (NOT a smart watch) is worn for the children’s safety.  

Next week; Year 6 will sit their SATS. These will take place between Monday 13th May and Thursday 16th May.

 Have a lovely, sunny, weekend! 

Mr Bowles, Ms Harris, Miss Rackley and Miss Hayes.