Term 5, Week 6

Wow, another term has flown by! The adults are proud of Rowan Class and of all the children's achievements. Next term is a busy, but amazing term.  

This week, we have got to the interesting part of the book where Lina has just found a letter. However, her sister has ruined it. Lina now needs to find out what it says but she better be quick – time is running out! The children produced some great character descriptions of the mayor and thought about what he might say to reassure the citizens of Ember. We continue to study The City of Ember after the holiday – we cannot wait! 

In maths, year 5 have been looking at decimal numbers. We have looked at the place value of a number up to 3 decimal places and added and subtracted using these decimal numbers.  

Year 6 have looked at money and working out the best price for products in the shop. Next time you go shopping, ask your child to use their amazing maths skills to help you find a bargain! Year 6 finished the week looking at 3D shapes and their nets. They have made some lovely models using their learning.  

In Science, we looked at the colour wheel and how all colours together create white light. In Computing, the children finished looking at micro:bits and coded theirs to create a walkie-talkie – this was an incredibly fun afternoon! In RE, the children made presentations on places of worship. I look forward to displaying these in the classroom. In PE we finished our cricket topic and had a great game of bulldog with Commando Joe – even if Mr Bowles and Miss Rackley took it too seriously and tried to win.  

Well done to all the children for their resilience this term, we cannot wait to hear about your holiday when we return. 

NO SCHOOL ON MONDAY 3RD JUNE for children – children return TUESDAY 4TH JUNE.  

Thank you, to you, the parents; we thank you for your continued support in your children’s learning.  

Have a lovely break,  

Mr Bowles, Mrs Harris, Miss Rackley and Miss Hayes.