Term 6 Week 6

The adults in Rowan Class and beyond have been so proud of the learning that has been produced this week, especially in English.
In English, we have continued with our book ‘100-Mile-An-Hour Dog, Going for Gold’. We have been looking at shape poems; the children wrote their poems about dogs and presented them in the shape of a dog.  I have photocopied them all, as I would love the children to show you – they are amazing! A special mention to Amelia, who made all the adults cry with her beautiful shape poem.  
In Maths, Year 5 have continued to look at converting measurements. This week, it has been converting measurements of time and reading timetables. The children had to look at simple timetables and timetables with 2 or more rows and columns. Year 6 has been looking at maths in real life; looking at jobs, pay and what it means to pay taxes and national insurance. Year 6 then had to find out which career earns the most a month.
In Science, we experimented with wind turbines. We investigated what makes a good wind turbine and then predicted what would happen if we made the turbines out of other materials. We also learnt how wind turbines, that generate electricity, work.
In RE, we have looked at charity and why religions give to charity. The children created some lovely posters to show why giving to charity means so much to everyone.  
In PE this week, the children took part in a ‘mini-Olympics' with Cherry and Cedar to have some friendly competition between classes and support our Olympic topic this term.  
The children have enjoyed watching the 3D printer at work this week - it has been hard at work printing the children’s creations. They cannot wait for you to see them!  
Monday 15th July – Transition Day 2 – Year 5 to their new classes 
Wednesday 17th July – Kent Life – children MUST wear school uniform but can wear trainers – we will be leaving at 9:30am and back at 3pm. 
Friday 19th July – Chatham ski centre – wear sports uniform... AND Festival of Fun after school.  
We have a great last (full) week coming up.
Have a lovely weekend, 
Mr Bowles, Mrs Harris and Miss Rackley