Walnut Term 6 Week 3

This week has been diversity week, so the children and staff have all been enjoying learning about all the different cultures that make up Park Way Primary School. We have used our Literacy lessons this week to work in groups and produce presentations, games and activities based on a chosen country and its culture which the children then shared with Ivy Class. Walnut Class have really engaged with the project and loved sharing their learning and teaching  others about the culture they had learnt about. Thank you our amazing parents for sending and bringing in amazing cultural food, we all enjoyed it so very much!

In Maths Year 4 have been learning about symmetry and how to recreate patterns using horizontal and vertical lines of symmetry. Year 3 have been learning to complete words problems related to time and timetables. 

In History we learnt about Ancient Greek dwellings and how these would be similar and different to the houses we live in today. In computing we started to look at how to create stop animation movies which we will add to over the term. We were also lucky enough to take part in a Haka workshop where we learnt part of a traditional Haka dance. 

We hope you have a lovely weekend,

From Mrs Jacobs and Mr Dodd.